Goodbye 2020, you won’t be missed.

Hello world! Or, more like, hello Hudson Valley and Union Square Market goers. This will probably be more of a, “hello, again” because if you’re reading this, you’ve more than likely already sampled my baking at the big purple stand Fridays and Saturdays in New York City. And if you haven’t, boy are you missing out. It’s nice to say hello in 2021 because it’s not 2020 anymore. But why even revisit what made it terrible? You were all there! And so was I, mask on, baking away and testing out new recipes. So let’s stick with what’s good.

Why blog now, you ask? Seems like as good a time as any. Apart from trying to get the word out there about Off the Wheat, it’s also partly a celebration of the growth of my business, and also because I finally got the domain name of my dreams! (See the top of your screen.) It’s incredible to think that not long ago I entered the Union Square Market for the first time -- not easy, but I’ll tell you more another time -- eager to see what people thought of my grain free creations. I could’ve never imagined the overwhelmingly positive response. So thank you to all my customers, the regulars and the first timers. It quite literally would not have happened without you.

So why grain free? And furthermore, why sugar free as some of my hottest selling items are (shout out to the fudgebar that I can never seem to make enough of). A number of years ago I started experiencing pain with my joints. I wasn’t able to enjoy life the way I used to. Having done some research I realized that the inflammation in my joints could be caused by the body’s response to grains and to sugar. But give up bread and sweet treats? What kind of life is that? So why settle when you can get creative. I started looking up grain free recipes, keto recipes, anything that might save me from the ingredients that were very likely causing inflammation in my body. The problem was, the recipes yielding unappetizing products. Or products that didn’t really hold a candle to the original. So I tried making my own blend of flours and bingo -- what you see at my stand is the result of years of practice, years of creativity, years of dreaming.

This year should be big. I’m devising new flours, looking to expand my business, and hoping to add new customers locally and further afield. And I want to keep in touch with all of you and share any good news. Visit the stand, meet me here, let’s stay in touch!

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